Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What's in Season?

Litchis; Pineapple; Green Beans; PawPaw; Nectarine; Pumpkin

We know you can get most of these things throughout the year but by eating foods that are in season you are almost guaranteed fresh, nutritious and tasty meals.

And, with Summer and all, we thought we'd share our little fizz with you!

Bellini Baby

3 ripe, peeled & stoned, nectarines (traditionally Peaches are used)
Bottle of Bubbly
Grenadine Syrup for decoration
( For 4)

Puree the peeled and stoned nectarines.
Fill each glass with 1/3 of the nectarine puree.
Slowly top with chilled sparkling wine, stirring as you pour.
Add a dash of Grenadine just before serving.

Cocktail Love.