Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stellenbosch Wine Festival

There's always plenty happening in Stellenbosch but this week is particularly fun!
It's the Stellenbosch Wine Festival and its being held at the Paul Roos Centre.
For us townies there is a shuttle service from the V&A which costs R350 incl. entry into the festival. It departs at 15h30 and returns at 10h30. Well worth it!

For more info go to their website

See you at Matie Ete tomorrow! Let's hope the rain holds off!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Food Art!

Artist Judith Klausner's food art. See more here

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

La Tomantina!

With the Bastille Festival this past weekend, we thought we'd look up some (crazy) Food festivals to mention. La Tomantina happens the last week Wednesday in August in Buñol, Spain. It's basically the world's largest food fight with 125,000 kgs (crazy, hey?!) of tomatoes been thrown between 45,000 revellers. A disgraceful waste but part of their culture, I suppose?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

does the sound of freshly baked croissants, warm baguettes topped with oozy smelly cheese, homemade crepes packed with decadent fillings , rich creme brulees with crisp caramel and copious amounts of french bubbles make your mouth water???

if so, be sure not to miss out on the franschhoek bastille day taking place on the 16th & 17th july for a weekend filled with all things french!

Tuesday's lunch

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fabulous Fungi @ Delheim

Delheim mushroom week is taking place from Monday 4th to Friday 8th July at the Delheim restaurant off the R44. Expect to find an amazing selection of wild and exotic mushroom dishes paired with Delheim wines.

The mushroom lunch comprising of starter, main course and dessert, paired with Delheim wines is priced at a reasonable R120 per head - an absolute steal!

Bookings are essential, contact 021) 888 4607 for more information.