1. that the name
"November" comes from the Latin for nine (novem), as it was the ninth
month of the Roman calendar.
that in Old English November was
"Windmonathy" (wind month) or "Blotmonath" (blood
or sacrifice month).
3. that November is the only month used to represent a
letter in the phonetic alphabet.
that there is no mention of the month of November in any
of Shakespeare's plays or sonnets.
that Topaz is the birthstone for those born in
6. that the flower is the Chrysanthemum which, according to
Feng Shui, brings laughter and happiness to the home.
7. that World Diabetes Day is celebrated on November 14.
that November has been designated National Novel Writing
Month and National Blog Posting Month.
that November is also known as Peanut Butter Lovers
And last but
most certainly not least...
10. that November month is when the Movember Foundation
challenges men
to grow mustaches in order to spark conversation and to
raise awareness of
men's health issues, such as prostate cancer

Do you have any interesting or fun facts about the Month of November?
Why not leave us a comment below, we
would love to hear from you!