Thursday, July 24, 2014

Weekend warmer

It would seem that the winter chill is back with a vengeance.
So why not warm up with this deliciously fragrant glühwein recipe. 

2 oranges
1 lemon
200 ml water
200 g caster sugar or honey
6 whole cloves
2 pieces stick cinnamon
5 cardamom pods
1 whole nutmeg, to grate
2 star anise
3 fresh or dried bay leaves
1 vanilla pod (optional)
2 bottles red wine (remember the better the wine the more delicious the glühwein will be)
                                   For an extra kick you can add a 1/2 cup of Brandy

1. Use a vegetable peeler, to thinly remove the zest (peel) from the oranges and lemon. You don’t want any of the bitter pith (the white part), only the fragrant peel.
2. Juice the oranges and lemon, strain and pour the juice into a large saucepan.
3. Add the water, orange and lemon peel, sugar, cloves, cinnamon stick, cardamom pods, 10-12 gratings of nutmeg, star anise, bay leaves and vanilla pod, and bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
3. Reduce the heat to low and continue to simmer for approximately 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is reduced by about a third.
4. Add the red wine, stir to combine, and to a simmer. Don’t boil the wine as it will cause the wine to evaporate. Strain through a fine sieve.

5. Ladle the warm wine into heatproof glasses, or cups, and serve immediately. Garnish with a slice of orange and a whole cinnamon stick.

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