Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Monday madness

Monday’s in our household always seem to be a mad dash.  It’s the beginning of a new week and by this stage after the weekend’s festivities, the fridge is generally rather empty and so are the shelves in the supermarket.  

Normally I’ll stop in at Woollies and grab a ready-made meal for supper but for some or other reason this past Monday that just didn't happen.

So I arrived home to an empty fridge and a very hungry and grumpy husband.

After  sticking my head into the fridge numerous times the same ingredients were still lying there nothing new or exciting…. half a punnet of baby marrows, six button mushrooms, a handful of Rosa tomatoes a few slices of salami, cheddar cheese, eggs and milk. Not the most inspiring of ingredients to make dinner with.

Enter the humble Frittata… I can’t believe I hadn't thought of this sooner, the perfect ingredients to make a filling and rather delicious meal.

Spicy Zucchini FrittataIngredients

½ cup full cream milk
5 eggs
Salt and pepper
A handful of fresh thyme (you can use dried)
½ Grated cheese
6 button mushrooms – thinly sliced
8 Rosa tomatoes - halved
4 baby marrows - thinly sliced into rounds
4 slices of salami - chopped up

1.      Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees.
2.      Mix the eggs, milk, salt, pepper and fresh thyme in a bowl.
3.      Add ½ cup grated cheddar cheese to the egg mixture.
4.      Heat a bit of butter in a non-stick frying pan on high to medium heat.
5.      Add in your mushrooms, tomatoes, baby marrow and salami and cook until tender.
6.      Turn your pan down to a medium to low heat.
7.      Add your egg mixture over your cooked ingredients and let the mixture cook for around 5 minutes. (Don’t mix it)
8.      When the underside of your egg mix is cooked but the top part is still runny pop into the oven for 5 minutes.

I like the top part of my frittata to be a bit crispy and have some colour so I put my under the grill for a few minutes.

And the best part about this whole meal was that there was even some left over. This meant that my husband had something for breakfast the next morning!

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