Wednesday, November 12, 2014

10 Facts about the Month known as November...

1.     that the name "November" comes from the Latin for nine (novem), as it was the ninth month of the Roman calendar. 

2.     that in Old English November was "Windmonathy" (wind month) or "Blotmonath" (blood or sacrifice month).

3.     that November is the only month used to represent a letter in the phonetic alphabet. 

4.     that there is no mention of the month of November in any of Shakespeare's plays or sonnets. 

5.     that Topaz is the birthstone for those born in November. 

6.     that the flower is the Chrysanthemum which, according to Feng Shui, brings laughter and happiness to the home. 

7.     that World Diabetes Day is celebrated on November 14.

8.     that November has been designated National Novel Writing Month and National Blog Posting Month. 

9.     that November is also known as Peanut Butter Lovers Month.

And last but most certainly not least... 

 10.    that November month is when the Movember Foundation challenges men 
          to grow mustaches in order to spark conversation and to raise awareness of 
          men's health issues, such as prostate cancer etc. 

Do you have any interesting or fun facts about the Month of November?
Why not leave us a comment below, we 
   would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Monday madness

Monday’s in our household always seem to be a mad dash.  It’s the beginning of a new week and by this stage after the weekend’s festivities, the fridge is generally rather empty and so are the shelves in the supermarket.  

Normally I’ll stop in at Woollies and grab a ready-made meal for supper but for some or other reason this past Monday that just didn't happen.

So I arrived home to an empty fridge and a very hungry and grumpy husband.

After  sticking my head into the fridge numerous times the same ingredients were still lying there nothing new or exciting…. half a punnet of baby marrows, six button mushrooms, a handful of Rosa tomatoes a few slices of salami, cheddar cheese, eggs and milk. Not the most inspiring of ingredients to make dinner with.

Enter the humble Frittata… I can’t believe I hadn't thought of this sooner, the perfect ingredients to make a filling and rather delicious meal.

Spicy Zucchini FrittataIngredients

½ cup full cream milk
5 eggs
Salt and pepper
A handful of fresh thyme (you can use dried)
½ Grated cheese
6 button mushrooms – thinly sliced
8 Rosa tomatoes - halved
4 baby marrows - thinly sliced into rounds
4 slices of salami - chopped up

1.      Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees.
2.      Mix the eggs, milk, salt, pepper and fresh thyme in a bowl.
3.      Add ½ cup grated cheddar cheese to the egg mixture.
4.      Heat a bit of butter in a non-stick frying pan on high to medium heat.
5.      Add in your mushrooms, tomatoes, baby marrow and salami and cook until tender.
6.      Turn your pan down to a medium to low heat.
7.      Add your egg mixture over your cooked ingredients and let the mixture cook for around 5 minutes. (Don’t mix it)
8.      When the underside of your egg mix is cooked but the top part is still runny pop into the oven for 5 minutes.

I like the top part of my frittata to be a bit crispy and have some colour so I put my under the grill for a few minutes.

And the best part about this whole meal was that there was even some left over. This meant that my husband had something for breakfast the next morning!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Summer time picnic spots

Our favourite picnic spots 
Picnic season is almost upon us, and while wind and rain have thwarted many a plan (hopefully the worst is behind us), eating al fresco under the shade of a tree in a beautiful place will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of your summer.
For a foodie, a limp sandwich and a bottle of warm water are not going to cut the mustard!  We've put together some of our favourite Cape Town outdoor dining spots especially for you.

Cape Town 
Picnics are served in baskets under the oak trees from November to March yearly. Tables and chairs are provided. Menus and prices change regularly.

Cape Point Vineyards
Experience the backdrop of the glorious Noordhoek amphitheatre, overlooking vines, fynbos and Noordhoek beach. Choose from a range of different picnic baskets served from Tuesday to Sunday. Cape Point Vineyards will provide picnic blankets, cushions and umbrellas wherever possible.

Rumbullion at The Roundhouse
Sit on the white benches on the lawns and enjoy spectacular views of the bay.  They offer a tick-box menu, both for breakfast and lunch, for you to compose your own culinary combination.  Start your day with a delectable picnic breakfast or have a lazy lunch of tapas and pizzas, complemented by a refreshing beer or a crisp glass of wine. 

Steenberg is one of Constantia's largest and oldest vineyards, dating back to 1682.  Enjoy a leisurely summer picnic on the winery's beautiful lawns under the Silvermine Mountains. Served between 10am and 5pm, the picnic baskets are filled with an assortment of mouth-watering goodies such as; Italian paninis with oven roasted butternut and red onion spread, Cape cheeses from Dalewood Fromage and chocolate brownies for dessert.  Each picnic spread will be accompanied by your choice of bottle from a selection of Steenberg wines. 

Eight to go - Spier Picnics
Wholesome picnics and sandwiches are available to be enjoyed with a bottle of Spier wine on the lawns of the farm. The picnics have been created by Lorianne Heyns, Spier chef, in consultation with acclaimed foodie, Judy Badenhorst. Choose to have a gourmet picnic, a relaxed picnic, a raw picnic, a vegetarian picnic or a children’s picnic. Book two days in advance.

Boschendal's Le Pique Nique 
Picnics take place at the Pavilion lawns surrounded by mountains and vineyards with tables and chairs set under the shade of the fragrant pine trees. Picnic baskets contain delicious pates, French style bread, cold meats, salads, with cheeses and biscuits.

Fyndraai Restaurant 
Picnic spots include a large grassy lawn alongside the forest, sandy river bank spots and shady spots overlooking the farm dam. Baskets are freshly packed and a complimentary bottle of wine and a bottle of Vogelvrij spring water are included in each picnic basket for two. R145 per adult or R75 per child.

Hartenberg Estate 
Picnic anywhere on the vast lawns of the estate under the oak trees or vines of the terrace, while the kids enjoy the fully equipped playground, or take a walk along the trail with your picnic in a backpack.

Klein River Cheeses
Purchase a delicious picnic lunch and enjoy it on the banks of the tranquil Klein River – under the trees on the extensive lawns or on the veranda of the beautifully renovated Picnic Shed. Special mini picnics are prepared for children and served in individual baskets.

Warwick Gourmet Picnics 
Choose from different picnic areas on the Warwick Estate like the forest courtyard, the lawn, private picnic pods, the penthouse or a Land Rover safari. Children’s menus as well as vegetarian options are available.

Have a favourite picnic spot?  
Let us know by leaving a comment below.

*Please note that while every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the above information, some prices might change without our knowledge. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Spring has sprung!!

Happy Spring Day! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Avocado Cheesecake

It is avocado season and I must have at least five beautifully ripe avo’s just sitting in my fruit bowl waiting to be eaten.

 I love avocados and am always trying out new recipes which include this tasty and nutritious fruit.

  A friend of mine who knows all about my obsession with avocados sent me this wonderfully creamy and delicious cheesecake recipe that I just had to share with you.

Avocado Cheesecake - Serves 8-10


  • 250 g tennis biscuits, crushed 
  • 100 g butter, melted 
  • 2 packets lime jelly 
  • 100 ml boiling water 
  • 750 g Philadelphia cream cheese 
  • 2 large ripe avocados, pureed 
  • 15 ml lemon juice 
  • Mixed berries to garnish


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C
  • Prepare the biscuit base by mixing the melted butter into the crushed biscuits.
  • Press biscuit mixture into the bottom of a 23cm spring form pan.
  • Place in the oven for 5-8 minutes to crisp the biscuits, remove and cool.
  • Dissolve the jelly in boiling water, whilst the jelly is dissolving, beat the cream cheese with the pureed avocado and the lemon juice until combined, pour in the dissolved jelly.
  • Pour the mixture into the spring form pan and allow to set overnight.
  • To serve, release the cheesecake from spring form pan, garnish with the mixed berries. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Women's Day - What it is all about.

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Women's Day on the 9th August 
in South Africa? 

It has nothing to do with honouring women just because we need another “Mother’s Day”, this day commemorates the 9 August 1956 when women from all walks of life participated in a National March to petition against *pass laws …

On the 9th August 1956, over 20 000 women of all races and ages from every corner of South Africa marched together towards the Union Buildings in Pretoria.  These brave women were marching in protest against the pass laws that proposed even further restrictions on the movements of women.

Organised by the Federation of South African Women (FSAW), the March was led by four brave women who came from the Indian, Coloured, Black and White communities. These women; Rahima Moosa, Lilian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph and Sophie Williams delivered the petitions to Prime Minister JG Strijdom’s office within the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

Women throughout South Africa had put their names to these petitions indicating their anger and frustration at having their freedom of movement restricted by the hated official passes.

To conclude the Women’s March, the women sang freedom songs such as Nkosi sikeleli Afrika, however, the song that became the anthem of the March was “Wathint’ abafazi, Strijdom!”


uza kufa!

when you strike the women
you strike a rock
you will be crushed!

(From left) Rahima Moosa, Lilian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph and Sophie Williams

The March was a resounding success and proved that the stereotype of women as politically inept and immature, tied to the home, was outdated and inaccurate. South Africa recognises the bravery of these women who risked arrest, detention and banning by declaring 9 August National Women’s Day.

*Pass Laws
Legislation that required African persons to carry a document on them to “prove” that they were allowed to enter a “white area” during the Apartheid regime.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Weekend warmer

It would seem that the winter chill is back with a vengeance.
So why not warm up with this deliciously fragrant glühwein recipe. 

2 oranges
1 lemon
200 ml water
200 g caster sugar or honey
6 whole cloves
2 pieces stick cinnamon
5 cardamom pods
1 whole nutmeg, to grate
2 star anise
3 fresh or dried bay leaves
1 vanilla pod (optional)
2 bottles red wine (remember the better the wine the more delicious the glühwein will be)
                                   For an extra kick you can add a 1/2 cup of Brandy

1. Use a vegetable peeler, to thinly remove the zest (peel) from the oranges and lemon. You don’t want any of the bitter pith (the white part), only the fragrant peel.
2. Juice the oranges and lemon, strain and pour the juice into a large saucepan.
3. Add the water, orange and lemon peel, sugar, cloves, cinnamon stick, cardamom pods, 10-12 gratings of nutmeg, star anise, bay leaves and vanilla pod, and bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
3. Reduce the heat to low and continue to simmer for approximately 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is reduced by about a third.
4. Add the red wine, stir to combine, and to a simmer. Don’t boil the wine as it will cause the wine to evaporate. Strain through a fine sieve.

5. Ladle the warm wine into heatproof glasses, or cups, and serve immediately. Garnish with a slice of orange and a whole cinnamon stick.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cape Town Winter Restaurant Specials

We know how hard it is to entice Capetonians our during the chilly winter months, that's why we have chosen a few of our favourite Winter Warmer Restaurant Specials.

These delicious specials are sure to warm you up from the inside out!

Two course winter bistro menu for R235 per person or a three course winter bistro menu for R315 per person.

Lunchtime special of 23 piece bento sushi box with a free miso soup at R119 per person.
All pasta's and pizzas only R55 and a 250g sirloin steak at R80 per person.

Bistro Sixteen82
Two Tapas dishes and a glass of Klein Steenberg wine for R120 per person.

Seafood platter for two every Wednesday for R119. (platter includes mussels, prawns, crumbed calamari and the line fish of the day, served with rice, grilled veggies, chips, tartar & zingy lemon butter sauces).

The Foodbarn
50% off the a la carte lunch menu.
The "Vondeling" menu at R205 per person for three courses with wine or four courses with wine at R275 per person.

Jackal and Hide
Wednesday winter warmer special and two main course dishes for the price of one (R140).

La Boheme Wine Bar and Bistro
Two course meal R110 per person or a three course meal at R135 per person.

La Mouette
Six course menu R195 per person, include wine R325 per person.

Warm up to: A 500g rump steak, flame-grilled with a choice of mushroom or pepper sauce, served with homemade oregano chips and a Greek salad for R80.

Feel free to share any of your favourite winter restaurant specials with us!

Monday, June 23, 2014

End of the month salticrax, not with this budget friendly recipe!

Today is the 23rd of the month. Automatically, you know what that means.  The petrol gauge is flirting with the wrong side of the half way mark and the improvised wine collection is running dry. 
And then of course, there is that box of salticrax that just happens to be lurking at the back of the cupboard looking awfully austere and not the least bit tempting.

Don’t despair we have a fabulous and budget friendly cauliflower risotto recipe for you to try out. 
At the risk of rambling I am not going to get into just how delicious and completely satisfying this recipe is.

This meal cost in the region of R50.00 and is more than enough for two people.

·         1 x medium sized onion
·         A head of cauliflower 
·         A punnet of button mushrooms
·         A clove of garlic
·         A fresh chilli
·         Parmesan cheese
·         2 cups of chicken stock
·         Dried rosemary
·         Olive oil
·         Butter 

Extras – If you have leftover bits of cold meat in your fridge why not slice these up and add to your risotto for a slightly more luxurious taste. 

1.      Thinly slice your onion, brown it in some olive oil or butter.
2.      Add your chopped garlic clove and chilli.
3.      Slice the mushrooms, smear some butter on a baking tray, lay your mushrooms on it, season with black pepper, salt and dried rosemary, bake at 170 degrees Celsius for around 10 minutes.
4.      Use a grater or a food processor and make rice out of your (washed) cauliflower.
5.      Put your pan (with the onion mix) on a medium to high heat, add the cauliflower rice to the pan and cook for a minute. Start adding in your chicken stock 1/4 cup at a time. Stirring all the time, when the liquid has reduced, add the next little bit, do this until it is finished.
6.       Turn your pan onto a low heat, add your baked mushrooms pieces to the pan and simmer for a bit. Expect your risotto to become nice and creamy.
7.       Top it off with some Parmesan.

Easy, cheap, TASTY and filling. 
Everything you want in a budget meal.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Father's Day - Our top 10 worst gifts

Father's Day is looming. 
And alongside with the pressure of having to try and arrange the perfect day 
for dad, there is also the added stress of finding him that perfect gift!

In today's blog post we highlight The Top 10 Worst Father's Day Gifts! 

The Top 10 Father's Day Gifts to Avoid

 Nose hair trimmer

 The dreaded soap-on-a-rope 

A boring old tie. 
This just screams "I was short of time and couldn't really think of anything else"

 World's best dad certificate. 
The height of laziness not to mention cheap...

The AB enhancer. 
I kid you not people have actually bought these!

BBQ pork flavoured cologne - now that is truly inspired!!

This is a particularly thoughtful gift, 
a portable breathalyzer.

For the balding man in your life, 
how about a tattoo toupee?

For dad's who love beer, this very stylish beer belt. 
 Now dad will never have to get up off the couch for a refill.

World's Best Dad T-shirt... 
DON'T DO IT, this is just tacky.